Episode 14 – The Top 3 Principles

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3 thoughts on “Episode 14 – The Top 3 Principles

  1. Misha Tuesday says:

    When you said “top three principles” at the start of the show, I stopped to think what mine would be, and mine were (in this order): one ahead, multiple outs, obtaining secret info (I was specifically thinking of something that involves tearing paper). I use one ahead all the time and swear by it. The first time I used it in a performance, a man came up to me afterwards and said “I know you think you’re doing magic tricks, but you truly have a psychic gift!” When I replied that what I do is basically carnie tricks and psychology, he said, “You may not realize it, but you do have a psychic gift.”

    As for Google information, I find this to be a mixed bag. I have people accuse me of this method in cases where it’s not even what I’ve done. After one of my shows, a woman came up to me and said that she was glad I didn’t claim to talk to dead people, because she went to a medium once, and that person knew all kinds of info about her… including a deceased distant relative who she barely knew. She went home and Googled her name, and this relative’s obituary with her listed as a surviving relative was one of the top results. So I only use Google as a source of general gist material, and tend not to use specific things because it’s too easily traceable. There’s my 2 cents.

    One other thing from a previous episode, and I can’t remember which one: You said you didn’t want people to use the sucker bet example you gave of “cant take off shoes by yourself.” And I was curious, since to me this is an old chestnut that I read in a magic store pamphlet more than 30 years ago, why you would fear exposure on this one? Perhaps I misunderstood what you were saying about it?

    All in all, great podcast, love it, keep it up!

    • Paul Brook says:

      I guess great minds think alike! 😉

      I think that one-ahead is very underestimated, and I hope that people give it a try.

      Ouch, sucks to be that ‘Psychic’. I’ve heard a story about how a ‘Psychic’ got the wrong address on Google Street View and described the house of a neighbor…I’m sure you can fill in the blanks.

      Re: Take your Shoes Off – I’m not sure which episode it was, but would have meant this tongue in cheek. It’s not mine and is very old indeed.

      Thanks for the very kind words and for taking the time to comment 🙂