Episode 23 – Persona Vs. Profit

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5 thoughts on “Episode 23 – Persona Vs. Profit

  1. Daniel Rodriguez Martinez says:

    Paul, thanks for taking the time to answer my question! Great podcast, what I took from it was the “have your goal set” idea in order to build a character around it. Personally I like to perform for art and fun, profit is a non issue since I have an really good full-time job I also love. Great tips on the Inner and outer persona.

    • Paul Brook says:

      Thanks for taking the time to submit a question, it was my pleasure to answer it 🙂

      Yes, having a solid idea of who the character is is VERY important, I think. Often people just have this nebulous idea for their character, I can tell you what I like for breakfast, stage Paul Brook likes for breakfast and also what Pro. Bloom likes for breakfast.

      I like to relax and spend time in nature, and that is where I daydream more about my characters and what they do. Each daydream breathes life into the character.