Episode 40 – How Much to Charge

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4 thoughts on “Episode 40 – How Much to Charge

  1. danster08 says:

    Thanks for answering my question. I know this is a difficult one to answer, but I think your advice is very good. It makes perfect since to figure out what you need and then break it down to determine the exact fee that you need to charge. This seems like a ‘no brainer’, but I had not really thought of it in that way. Since I currently still have a full-time job and do this as a side, it hadn’t really crossed my mind. If I can decide how much extra I would like to earn, then I can more easily setup my price structure.

    Also, the info on adding on a per hour amount for travel time, is definitely something I need to consider more closely. This is actually something that my wife will often bring up and I don’t always consider. I may get booked for a gig that is an hour and a half travel each way. I will typically think “its only a 45 minute gig”, but it ends up being a 5 hour gig, when considering preparing the show, travel, setup, tear down, etc.

    Thanks again!

    Thanks for the solid advice. I will definitely be re-thinking my structure now.

    • Paul Brook says:

      Glad it was useful 🙂

      I know, it seems so obvious to work out what you NEED to earn, yet so many people don’t do it.

      To me it sounds like your wife makes sense, traveling for free is basically reducing your fee. Whatever fee you obtain you need to take out fuel plus wear and tear. That’s not to mention the time you can never get back.

      Feel free to share this episode or/and ask another question 🙂